Dog food affects oral health


Your dog is your best friend. Every time you walk in the door, your dog is so happy to see you that he wags his tail and smiles at you. How can you show your pet what he means to you? Well, one way is to develop that sense of humor for your pet. Did you know that your dog's diet can affect his oral health?


People should brush and floss regularly to keep teeth, tongue and gums healthy. Research has recently shown a link between good oral health in men and a lower risk of heart disease. If good oral health can have such a big impact on people, it only makes sense to consider the impact it can have on a person's best friend. It is important to brush your dog's teeth frequently to prevent plaque and tartar from becoming a problem. Even wiping his gums with a warm clean cloth can help. Your dog's diet also plays a role in your pet's oral health. Do you usually feed your dog dry or canned food? What kind of treats and toys do you give your pets? All of these factors can affect the likelihood of problems with your pet's teeth. When your dog's food is well-nourished, with essential vitamins, nutrients and enzymes, your pet's oral health will be good. Feeding dry dog ​​food rather than canned liquid varieties is better for your dog. A solid base of small kibbles is rubbed on the teeth to remove and reduce plaque. Simply making dry dog ​​food with water or gravy eliminates this property of dry dog ​​food. Treats that you give your pet are part of your dog's diet, just like dog food is part of a human diet. As humans, we tend to overlook our eating habits, so it can be easy to overlook the treats you give your dog. It's not a good idea. Carefully consider everything your dog will eat. Do you feed your dog bones, rawhides, dried treats, or dog biscuits? Maybe your pet prefers greenies or corn. You might not think about it, but throwing Spot rawhide gum is like giving him candy bars. For example, rawhide is high in calories and is often served between meals. Many of the treats and treats you provide in your dog's food may be just empty calories. On the other hand, some treatments offer great opportunities to improve oral health. Greens, rawhides, bones, and hard dog biscuits help to dissolve tartar. Soft foods, like junk food, don't slow down great memories. Occasional medical treatment will also prevent your dog from developing bad breath.


Your dog's diet should be good to ensure good oral health. Dry dog ​​food is best whenever possible. Remember to choose treats for your pet that will improve your dog's diet. Conscientiously monitoring your dog's diet will affect the oral health of your best friend.


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