Common Obiworm questions


Frequently asked questions about heartworms are common 

type of heart worm in addition to dogs. A 

should be noted that in addition to dogs, cats, foxes, wolves, 

horses, sea lions, etc. also affects. This can be cured 

or not? Yes. It can be treated. What drugs are commonly used for heartworm prevention and 

the dog? Ivermectin is a commonly used drug that has an anti-inflammatory effect 

behavior for these heartworms. Affected dogs are always exposed 

cough, shortness of breath and headache in many cases.


How big can a worm get? In the case of females, it reaches about 27 centimeters and in the case of males, it is about 17 centimeters in length. There is a vector involved 

Disease transmission? Yes. Mosquitoes are often implicated as vectors of early stages of emerging heartworm larvae. Is prophylaxis only for heart worms or others?

Prophylaxis is intended not only for heart worms, but also 

for hookworms, whipworms and roundworms. What is 

the type of flying larvae associated with transmission 

of those heartworms? The third instar pest is caused by 

mosquitoes today. This is happening all over the world. In some areas, the effects 

less in the winter months when mosquitoes are absent 

stay there and be able to stay asleep during these times. What is the name of 

Medicines for treatment and prevention? Ivermectin and 

Milbemycin oxime can be used in both cases. Ivermectin is 

available in the form of injection and mouth.


In addition, there are external applications as well 

available. Costs should be calculated for all of these 

treatment. How often are medications used for prevention? One month before the mosquito season and up to two months later 

Mosquito repellent, ivermectin or milbemycin oxime can be given 

once a month for prophylaxis. Diethylcarbamazine can be used 

for treatment purposes.


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