Avoid table scraps in your dog's food


We've all done it. Our cute furry friend smiles at us from under the kitchen table. The ears are upright and the tail is pricked. We know what our dogs want. Just a little snack from dinner would be delicious, right? What can be harmful? It's only one or two later. 


Listen to Fido, he won't want to hear that. Dog food should not contain table scraps. People's food is just that... for people. The nutritional needs of dogs are not the same as those of humans. Of course, we eat some of the same things, but feeding your pet from the table is one of the worst mistakes your pet can make. Dog food does not require the added treats that we put in our food.


People have problems with obesity. Dogs can also have this problem. If your dog's food often contains table waste, it is possible that your dog has trouble maintaining good health. Even a few extra pounds can really make a difference in the quality and length of your pet's life. Shut up and stick to your guns. When you have a dog that isn't a picky eater, it can be tempting to let your pet take out the trash at home, but really, that's not a good idea. Some foods can be harmful to your dog and should not be part of his diet. For example, grapes are known to cause serious harm to dogs, even death. Chicken bones and popcorn can also be a problem for your dog. Allowing too much chocolate can be dangerous in dog food. 


Unhealthy food is being eaten even on the planet. When your dog's diet is poor, your pet's stools will be larger in size, smell and mess. The benefits of choosing healthy food for your dog will be seen in your pet's health, as well as those walking around the block. There are a few times when supplements or remedies from the kitchen can be good, but there are no limits. Talk to your vet about solid foods for your dog's diet. If you want to continue feeding Fido at the table, many therapists recommend giving your pet ice cubes or carrot chunks to eat between meals. Offering your pet healthy alternatives to pizza and cupcakes gives you the freedom to choose healthy and nutritious foods for your dog's diet. So, the next time your beloved pet starts noticing your child, turn their attention. Don't reach for your fatty steak or chicken leg. Instead, throw a cool and refreshing ice cube at your friend to fight and eat. A few carrots will make Fido happy and make you feel good about your choices for your dog's nutritional value. You will also know that you are doing your best to maintain a high quality diet for your pet. 


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